For conducted broker's activities we operate:
- individual clients
- sole traders (small and medium)
Insurance risks:
- Property insurance:
- insurance from fire and other random events
- insurance from burglary and robbery
- windows and glass things insurance from being broken
- buildings', constructions' and dwellings' insurance
- cottage and movables insurance
- Third party liability insurance:
- teaching and educational institution's and teachers' third party liability insurance
- athlete's, coach's, sports instructors', sport service worker's, sports organisations' third party liability insurance
- people third party liability insurance in private life
- professional activity third party insurance
- lawyert's obligatory third party liability insurance
- third party liability insurance for individual client and small and medium businessman
- third party liability insurance in private life
- Agricultural insurance:
- farmer's obligatory third party liability insurance
- volunatry insurance of buildings being part of homestead from fire and other random events
- poultry insurance
- insurance of movables in homesteads
- voluntry and obligatory crop insurance
- Communication:
- obligatory motor vehicle registered abroad owner's third party liability insurance
- obligatory motor vehicle owner's third party liability insurance
- obligatory motor vehicle Personal accident of driver and passengers insurance
- Green Card
- 'Auto Szyba' insurance
- 'Moto-assistance' insurnace
- 'Auto Pomoc' insurance
- full coverage collison insurance for individual client or for small and medium businessman
- property insurance in national transport
- Travel insurance:
- accident insurance in the country and abroad
- treatment costs insurance
- baggage insurance